Somebody suggested a friendly competion between graduating classes -- Who can raise the most donations to get the Ballroom floor repaired quickly?
How does it work? Click the link below and pick the class you want to donate on behalf of, and you can donate right here via credit card. Or, you can send us a check with a note to let us know which class!
Snake River Heritage Center
PO Box 307
Weiser, ID 83672
It takes a day or two for the "Amount Raised" column to update, so don't panic if you don't see your donation there right away!
You can follow the progress of the repairs here.
Is your class not on here? Shoot an email to me at and I'll get it added!
The Snake River Heritage Center
2295 Paddock Ave, Weiser, ID 83672
208-549-0205 (office) 208-549-1673 (cell)